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When betting online, things mostly run smoothly these days. In a lot of ways it is a matter of trial and error. Any mistakes or problems found in the early years have been corrected and streamlined so they won’t happen again. Any problem that could possibly happen has happened and the online gambling sites have figured out how to correct it.
Competition also breeds a higher level of customer service. A person can bet on a football game or play a game of craps at a thousand online casinos. What makes yours standout? Frankly, these websites simply cannot afford to have bad customer service as there is too much competition in the marketplace for them to survive while not doing their best to support the customers.
However, to paraphrase a famous bumper sticker, stuff happens. There is always a chance that something, no matter how unique or miniscule, could go wrong and you will need to do something about it. In these cases it is important to know how to complain about a UK gambling site. The odds are that they are going to take care of your problem and that will be that. There will be some situations where you have to take things a step further, but we’ll get to that later.
The first thing you can do, before contacting someone, is check out the website’s terms and service agreement. These website put a lot of time into building these documents and there have been many times where a simple search can find the answer to the question you are looking to answer. It can sometimes be hard to find your answer in a wall of text though so it may be easier to just reach out.
If you decide that you need to speak to someone then what you need to do next is contact the gambling site that you are using. They have customer service on staff at all times and you can likely get your problem solved quickly. Most sites today have a live chat feature where you can talk to a real person and explain the situation, and they will take it from there. Other sites have an email option for customer service situations and are usually pretty quick to get back to you. Depending on your issue, it should be resolved immediately unless they need to get a supervisor involved.
The live chat feature can usually solve all your problems in just a few moments. It is one of those things that really help make a gambling site great and is definitely something that you should consider looking at before signing up at a new site. A live chat option can really be helpful in solving problems as fast as possible.
On the off chance that you need to take things further, you can always contact the Gambling Commission. This is a site dedicated to providing information and helping with support issues when needed. They not only offer help with any complaints you may have, but also offer a guide on how to complain.
While many issues can be solved quickly via a live chat, you should know about the complains policy. You will have to share all the information necessary to plead your case and make sure you keep a copy of it all for yourself. Then the business has a maximum of eight weeks from the reception of the complaint to resolve it. Typically things will move smoother and much faster than this, but they do have that much time.
Once you receive the answer from the site you can either accept it or take things further. If you wish to take things further then that involves getting a Alternative Dispute Resolution provider, ADR for short, involved. However, you must know that you cannot get an ADR involved until you have gone through the complain process laid out above.
The business that you are dealing with can help to find an ADR provider. The ADR will take all the evidence from both sides as well as the terms of service before making their final decision. However, there are some sites that don’t use an ADR or Resolver. It is not mandatory by law for them to use them. For many, offering the use of an ADR to resolve disputes is another level of customer service.
Another route to check is using a website like AskGamblers. This is an independent website that has helping to resolve issues that players have with online casinos for years. They can help with anything from payment issues to bonus issues to software issues. A great thing about website like this is they have been dealing with these websites for many years so they know how to navigate them.
AskGamblers has helped players recover tens of millions of dollars over the years and that number just continues to grow. This is a 100% free service and is only done to ensure fairness. They do have their own set of guidelines though so it is important to read through them and make sure you follow them. It can take up to four days, or 96 hours, when using this service, but they have a tremendous success rate. The one thing they need from you is cooperation. If they ask for documents, give them the documents. A lack of cooperation is the one thing that can kill your complaint dead. This is not only good advice for using this site, but life in general.
Many players can play at online gambling sites their whole life and never have a problem. There are many things that have been figured out and streamlined over the years to make this process as easy as possible for all involved. Still, that’s not everybody and for some there will come a time in your life when you need to make a complaint. The good news is that there a lot of options at your disposal and the path to resolution is a simple one.