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Multiple wagers are the lifeblood of the betting industry, they count for a huge proportion of online sportsbooks placed wagers and are an integral part of any bricks and mortar bookmaker you might stumble across. In fact, if you venture into most bookmakers in the UK, you will find their walls cluttered with various betting slips all trying to get your attention, most of them offering the chance to place various kinds of multiple bets. Perhaps the most well-known of these multiple bets (at least in the United Kingdom) is the Lucky 15 bet. It is not uncommon to walk into a bookmakers on a Saturday and see every person in there filling out a handful of Lucky 15 slips to cover that day’s races. The reason for this? Well, it can provide big returns for a tiny investment, like a lot of multiple bets. And if you are unfortunate enough to only have one winner, you still get a return, often with a bookmaker’s bonus on top of it to ease your pain.
But what does a Lucky 15 consist of? Well, a Lucky 15 is four selections (usually it is horses, but it can be nearly anything and any combination of sports, as long as there are no conflicts such as two people in the same golf tournament, or two horses in the same race), and the total wager is made up of 15 smaller wagers. These 15 wagers give the bet its name – whether they are lucky or not is purely down to you. The 15 smaller wagers are as follows:
Four singles, six doubles, four trebles and one accumulator.
So a 1 unit Lucky 15 would cost you 15 units to place.
So, as soon as one winner comes in, you are guaranteed a return, and the more winners you get in, the bigger your return will be, as more of the smaller wagers come in to play. For example, if selections 1 and 2 win, you get two singles and a double. If selections 1, 2 and 4 win, you get three singles, three doubles and one treble. The only downside is that every time a selection loses, you not only lose a single, but you lose three doubles, three trebles and the accumulator. And if two selections lose, you have instantly lost your accumulator and all your trebles as well as five of your doubles. You can see why bookmakers love multiple bets such as the Lucky 15!
That being said, it is a fun bet, and it is also one that you can do as an each-way bet. This would cost you twice as much to place, but you would get four place singles, six place doubles, four place trebles and one place accumulator on all your selections on top of your win bets. An each-way Lucky 15 tends to be placed when selections are a higher price, such as futures bets, horses in large fields or outright tournament winner bets. Placing an each-way Lucky 15 means that even if your selection does not win, as long as it places you could still end up with a substantial win.
If you want to try a Lucky 15 out online, you can do it by making your selections as usual and simply placing each bet on for the same amount – that is the important thing with a Lucky 15, the wager amount does not change between bets.
It is also worth noting that many bookmakers offer a bonus on Lucky 15 bets that have four winning selections, often paying a 100% or more bonus. Unfortunately, it tends not to happen online.
But why not try it out the next time you have a few selections, maybe on the NFL over the weekend? Or maybe just on the next four horses races? It does not have to be for big stakes, maybe just a fraction of a unit, but you should at least get some enjoyment for your money even if you do not break the bank.